- Naruto Clash Of Ninja Wii
- Naruto Clash Of Ninja Revolution Cheats
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- Naruto Clash Of Ninja Revolution 2 Iso
- Naruto Clash Of Ninja 2 Rom
Naruto Clash Of Ninja Revolution 2-Naruto Vs Sasuke - Duration: 7:32. SuperDimitri1991 24,027 views. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. This way of unlocking, is ONE of the ways, so don't use most of your time using this. Contributed By: Dilyn101333, thebrawlmaster, bobbyjoebo, Just10tb, and GamerKT. Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ. Have a saved game from Naruto: Clash Of Ninja Revolution 2 to get an extra 50,000 Ryo. Mission List mode. Successfully complete Story mode on Difficulty 2 or higher to unlock Mission List mode for purchase for 20,000 Ryo at the shop. Get the latest Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs.
Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution for Nintendo Wii cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need.
Copy other justsu or special techniques
1. Naruto (only the Uzumaki Barrage)
2. Sasuke(The fire style:flower justsu is still not tested)
3. Sakura (all of them)
4. Shikamaru (only the Shadow Possesion Justsu)
5. Rock Lee (only the Primary Lotus note if Rock Lee is in the brown skin and use the Hidden Ltus it will still be Primary Lotus) Note: If you battle the ones that are not on the list Kakashi will teleport if the opponents that are not on the list or on the list and not using special technique like punch,kick,etc. and the ones that are not on the list and use special justsu Kakashi will still teleport. I'll get more info. Soon. | Submitted by wwegamerdude
Crazy damage
Difficulty 4
Get Voices from Sound Player
Naruto Clash Of Ninja Wii
Example: you picked Naruto, and You passed all ten characters from ten battles, you will recieve an unlock from the sound player(after the game show you the time how fast you battle in 10 characters from 10 battles),it says : 'You can now listen to Naruto's voice'(I don't remember where I got the sound player. If you have a sound player, you can hear it) | Submitted by wwegamerdude
Mission 20
Mission 21
Mission 22
Mission 23
Mission 23 (another way)
Shadow Clones

Sharingan counter
Ultimate deidara
Unlock characters
Unlock Characters
To unlock Kisame, Use Might Guy in Single Player Mode,you must get enough high score, you will battle Kisame at Battle 10,Defeat him and you'll get him.
To get Orochimaru and Tsunade, Use Jiriaya at Single Player Mode, you must have enough high score, Then they may appear, defeat them and you'll get them.
To get Hinata Hyuga, Use Neji Hyuga, You must have enough high score she will appear at Battle 10,defeat her and you'll get her.
(I'll get more info. soon) | Submitted by wwegamerdude
Unlock timary
Various Characters
Itachi - Beat score attack with Kakashi
Kankurou - Finish story mode
Kisame - Beat score attack with Gai
Sasori - Beat score attack with all chracters
Temari - Beat Story Mode
Naruto Clash Of Ninja Revolution Cheats
Tenten - Beat score attack with NejiNote: Story mode must be completed for the first time.
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