The mod is very beautiful and offers a very interesting quest. The special edition version is available here. Beyond Reach: Takes place in High Rock, and offers a “worldspace with the span of 3 Skyrim Holds”. New factions, 28 quests, interesting new peoples - both good and bad. Beyond Reach has also been converted to SSE and you'll find it.
Quest Name | Form ID | Quest ID |
A Bad Trade | 00062F54 | FreeformWinterholdA |
A Blade in the Dark | 00032926 | MQ106 |
A Chance Arrangement | 00021556 | TG00 |
A Cornered Rat | 00036191 | MQ202 |
A Daedra's Best Friend | 0001BFC4 | DA03 |
A False Front | 0003BCC4 | CWMission03 |
A Few Words with You | 000CA209 | Favor013 |
A Jarl's Justice | Dragonborn DLC Code + 007EC5 | DLC1RH07 |
A Lovely Letter | 00074A83 | FreeformRiverwood01 |
A New Debt | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01844E | DLC2TT1b |
A New Order | Dragonborn DLC Code + 004E24 | DLC1HunterBaseIntro |
A New Source of Stalhrim | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01CAF1 | DLC2SV02 |
A Night To Remember | 0001BB9B | DA14 |
A Return To Your Roots | 000C9BA0 | NN01 |
A Scroll For Anska | 000443F4 | dunHighGateRuinsQST |
Aftershock | 000C1E72 | MGR30 |
Alduin's Bane | 00036193 | MQ206 |
Alduin's Wall | 00036192 | MQ203 |
Alteration Ritual Spell | 000D0755 | MGRitual05 |
Amulet of the Moon | 000D9393 | FreeformCaravansA |
Amulets of Night Power | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00CE0B | DLC1RV09 |
An Axe to Find | Dawnguard DLC Code + 020A1C | DLC2RR03Intro |
Ancestral Worship | 0003E897 | dunHillgrundsTombQST |
Ancient Power | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005702 | DLC1RV05 |
Ancient Technology | Dragonborn DLC Code + 006BAC | DLC1RH05 |
Animal Extermination | 0001CEEE | CR01 |
Animal Extermination | 00025185 | CR02 |
Animal Pelt Collection | 00025230 | CR03 |
Arniel's Endeavor | 0006A086 | MGRArniel01 |
Arniel's Endeavor | 0006A08D | MGRArniel02 |
Arniel's Endeavor | 0006A097 | MGRArniel03 |
Arniel's Endeavor | 0006A119 | MGRArniel04 |
At the Summit of Apocrypha | Dawnguard DLC Code + 0179D7 | DLC2MQ06 |
Attack Capital | 0002B272 | CWResolution01 |
Awakening | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00352A | DLC1VQ01 |
Azra's Staffs | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01BD18 | DLC2TTR7 |
Battle for City | 00096E71 | CWSiegeObj |
Battle of City | 0004E857 | CWSiegeAttackObj |
Before the Storm | 0004E50D | MQ102 |
Beyond Death | Dragonborn DLC Code + 002850 | DLC1VQ05 |
Beyond Death Soul Gem Handler | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00EA41 | DLC1VQ05SoulGemHandler |
Black Book | Dawnguard DLC Code + 027A14 | DLC2WE06 |
Black Book: Filament and Filigree | Dawnguard DLC Code + 03216F | DLC2BlackBook06Quest |
Black Book: The Hidden Twilight | Dawnguard DLC Code + 032170 | DLC2BlackBook07Quest |
Black Book: The Sallow Regent | Dawnguard DLC Code + 03216D | DLC2BlackBook05Quest |
Black Book: The Winds of Change | Dawnguard DLC Code + 03216E | DLC2BlackBook04Quest |
Black Book: Untold Legends | Dawnguard DLC Code + 03216C | DLC2BlackBook03Quest |
Bleak Falls Barrow | 000D0800 | MQ103 |
Blindsighted | 00021554 | TG08B |
Blood on the Ice | 0001F7A3 | MS11 |
Blood on the Ice | 00020556 | MS11b |
Blood's Honor | 0001CEF5 | C04 |
Bloodline | Dragonborn DLC Code + 002F65 | DLC1VQ02 |
Bloody Nose | 00065C30 | FreeformRiften19 |
Boethiah's Bidding | 00052795 | DA02KillObj |
Boethiah's Calling | 0004D8D6 | DA02 |
Bolstering the Ranks | Dragonborn DLC Code + 013F1F | DLC1HunterBaseStage2 |
Bothela's Discreet Delivery | 000790E1 | FreeformMarkarthJ |
Bound Until Death | 0001EA54 | DB05 |
Bounty: Bandit Boss | 00095125 | BQ01 |
Bounty: Dragon | 000CBA9A | BQ04 |
Bounty: Forsworn | 000BD77F | BQ02 |
Bounty: Giant | 000BD78C | BQ03 |
Bow to the Master | 000E3E9B | FreeformMerryfairFarm |
Breaching Security | 0001EA55 | DB06 |
Brelyna's Practice | 000C0416 | MGRAppBrelyna01 |
Briarheart Necropsy | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01C05C | DLC2TTR5 |
Bring It! | 000557F3 | FreeformRiften16 |
Brotherhood | 0006E804 | C02 |
Campaign for CampaignHold | 00026F45 | CWCampaignObj |
Caught Red Handed | 00041F91 | FreeformRiften11 |
Chasing Echoes | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00284F | DLC1VQ04 |
Chop Wood | 000BF20F | FavorJobsChopWood |
Clean Sweep | Dawnguard DLC Code + 024DFC | DLC2RRFavor03 |
Cleansing Light | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005E53 | DLC1RH02 |
Cleansing the Stones | Dawnguard DLC Code + 035440 | DLC2MQ03B |
Climb the Steps | 000D9B66 | FreeformIvarstead04 |
Coated in Blood | 000647B3 | FreeformMarkarthN |
Collecting the Edda | 000E7814 | BardsCollegePoeticEdda |
Coming of Age | 0006CD54 | dunIronbindQST |
Compelling Tribute | 000504F0 | CWMission07 |
Conjuration Ritual Spell | 00099F27 | MGRitual03 |
Containment | 0001F255 | MG05 |
Contract: Kill Agnis | 0001EA65 | DBSideContract09 |
Contract: Kill Anoriath | 0001EA64 | DBSideContract08 |
Contract: Kill Beitild | 0001EA5F | DBSideContract03 |
Contract: Kill Deekus | 0001EA62 | DBSideContract06 |
Contract: Kill Ennodius Papius | 0001EA5E | DBSideContract02 |
Contract: Kill Helvard | 0001EA67 | DBSideContract11 |
Contract: Kill Hern | 0001EA60 | DBSideContract04 |
Contract: Kill Lurbuk | 0001EA61 | DBSideContract05 |
Contract: Kill Ma'randru-jo | 0001EA63 | DBSideContract07 |
Contract: Kill Maluril | 0001EA66 | DBSideContract10 |
Contract: Kill Narfi | 0001EA5B | DBSideContract01 |
Contract: Kill Safia | 0001EA68 | DBSideContract12 |
Culling the Beast | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0050B9 | DLC1RV02 |
Cultists vs Player | Dawnguard DLC Code + 0331C0 | DLC2WE09 |
Dampened Spirits | 0002154F | TG03 |
Dark Ancestor | 000B83C3 | FreeformFalkreathQuest03 |
Dark Ancestor | 000D6986 | FreeformFalkreathQuest03B |
Darkness Returns | 00021555 | TG09 |
Dawnguard | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00D06C | DLC1VQ01MiscObjective |
Death Incarnate | 0003CEDA | DB10 |
Deathbrand | Dawnguard DLC Code + 024002 | DLC2dunHaknirTreasureQST |
Deceiving the Herd | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0050BD | DLC1RV03 |
Defend Capital | 0001FA52 | CWResolution02 |
Defense of City | 0002FF95 | CWSiegeDefendObj |
Delayed Burial | 0001EA4F | DB01Misc |
Delivery | 000403B0 | Favor001 |
Delivery | 000CD882 | FreeformWindhelmA |
Delivery | 000D055D | SolitudeFreeform04 |
Delivery to Calcelmo | 00075399 | FreeformMarkarthD |
Destroy the Dark Brotherhood! | 000934FB | DBDestroy |
Destroying the Dawnguard | Dragonborn DLC Code + 019938 | DLC1RV10 |
Destruction Ritual Spell | 000A4E82 | MGRitual01 |
Diplomatic Immunity | 00035D5F | MQ201 |
Discerning the Transmundane | 0002D512 | DA04 |
Distant Memories | 0005331B | FreeformRiften08 |
Dragon Hunting | 000E3E67 | FreeformSkyHavenTempleB |
Dragon Research | 000E6DF1 | FreeformSkyHavenTempleD |
Dragon Rising | 0002610C | MQ104 |
Dragon Seekers | 000E3156 | CR14 |
Dragonborn | Dawnguard DLC Code + 017F8E | DLC2MQ01 |
Dragonslayer | 00046EF2 | MQ305 |
Dravynea's Frost Salts | 00069043 | FreeformKynesgroveA |
Drowned Sorrows | 00064EA8 | FreeformWinterholdC |
Dungeon Delving (Bandits) | 0007105B | Favor204 |
Dungeon Delving (Caves) | 0006FE37 | Favor205 |
Dungeon Delving (Jarl - Caves) | 000940D0 | Favor158 |
Dungeon Delving (Jarl - Hagravens) | 000A3504 | Favor157 |
Durnehviir | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00C73A | DLC1VQDragon |
Elder Knowledge | 0002D516 | MQ205 |
Elisif's Tribute | 000E77BA | SolitudeFreeform07 |
Elmus Favor Quest | Dawnguard DLC Code + 038EBF | DLC2ThirskFFElmus |
Elmus Favor Quest | Dawnguard DLC Code + 038EC4 | DLC2ThirskFFElmusBack |
Enchanting Pick-Up | 00028A13 | MGR10 |
Escaped Criminal | 00025250 | CR07 |
Evil in Waiting | 0003ED82 | dunValthumeQST |
Experimental Subject | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01B664 | DLC2TTR4a |
Experimental Subject | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01CDE1 | DLC2TTR4b |
Falion's Secret | 00021891 | FreeformMorthalA |
Family Heirloom | 000C18E1 | CR06 |
Feeding the Addiction | Dawnguard DLC Code + 024FAD | DLC2RRFavor06 |
Fetch me that Book! | 00028A24 | MGR20 |
Fetch me that Book! | 000BC096 | MGR20B |
Fetch the Netch | Dawnguard DLC Code + 024DE7 | DLC2RRFavor02 |
Few and Far Between | 00053308 | FreeformRiften04 |
Fight! Fight! | 000CA210 | Favor017 |
Filial Bonds | Dawnguard DLC Code + 0209AE | DLC2WB01 |
Filling Soul Gems | 00028A1E | MGR12 |
Finn's Lute | 000D93FA | BardsCollegeLute |
First Edition | Dawnguard DLC Code + 02BAC6 | DLC2RRFavor07 |
First Lessons | 0001F251 | MG01 |
Fit for a Jarl | 000C7D1C | SolitudeFreeform02 |
Flight or Fight | 000E3EA5 | FreeformHeartwoodMill |
For the Good of Morthal | 00021896 | FreeformMorthalB |
Forbidden Legend | 000E4D31 | dunGauldursonQST |
Forgotten Vale Books Quest | Dragonborn DLC Code + 01A3E4 | DLC1VQFVBooks |
From the Ashes | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01AAB0 | DLC2TTF1 |
Gather Wheat | 000A8007 | FavorJobsGatherWheat |
Get Outfitted | 000C349B | CW01AOutfitImperial |
Gharol's Message | 0009976E | FreeformDushnikhYalA |
Glory of the Dead | 0001CEF6 | C06 |
Good Intentions | 0001F254 | MG04 |
Grimsever's Return | 0005331C | FreeformRiften09 |
Grin and Bear It | 000D9B65 | FreeformIvarstead03 |
Hail Sithis! | 0001EA59 | DB11 |
Halbarn Favor Quest | Dawnguard DLC Code + 038FBC | DLC2ThirskFFHalbarn |
Hard Answers | 00021552 | TG06 |
Harsh Master | 00094158 | FreeformShipsWindhelm |
Healing a House | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01AAC8 | DLC2TTF2 |
Heart Stones | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01C06E | DLC2TTR2 |
Helping Hand | 00041FD2 | FreeformRiften12 |
Hide and Seek | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005E4A | DLC1RH01 |
Hilund Favor Quest | Dawnguard DLC Code + 038FBB | DLC2ThirskFFHilund |
Hired Muscle | 00025231 | CR04 |
Hitting the Books | 0001F253 | MG03 |
Honor Thy Family | 0006F9A5 | DBEviction |
Hunt and Gather | 00043E25 | FreeformRiften14 |
Hunting and Gathering | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01F13B | DLC2TTR8 |
Hunting the Monster | Dragonborn DLC Code + 006952 | DLC1RH04 |
I Done Got Thaned! | 00065BDF | FreeformRiftenThane |
Ice Cold | 0005331A | FreeformRiften07 |
Ill Met By Moonlight | 0002A49A | DA05 |
Illusion Ritual Spell | 000B3233 | MGRitual02 |
Imitation Amnesty | 000799E1 | TGTQ03 |
Impatience of a Saint | Dragonborn DLC Code + 01400B | DLC1VQSaint |
In My Time Of Need | 0001CF25 | MS08 |
Infiltration | 0004B2A1 | dunTrevasWatchQST |
Innocence Lost | 0001EA50 | DB01 |
It's All In The Taste | Dawnguard DLC Code + 024E04 | DLC2RRFavor04 |
J'zargo's Experiment | 000958B3 | MGRAppJzargo01 |
Joining the Legion | 000D517A | CW01A |
Joining the Stormcloaks | 000E2D29 | CW01B |
Kill the Bandit Leader | 0006FD35 | Favor104 |
Kill the Bandit Leader (Jarl) | 0007172A | Favor154 |
Kill the Forsworn Leader (Jarl) | 0006C824 | Favor151 |
Kill the Giant (Jarl) | 00090E36 | Favor153 |
Kill the Vampire | 000940E0 | Favor109 |
Kindred Judgment | Dragonborn DLC Code + 007C25 | DLC1VQ08 |
Kolbjorn Barrow Misc Objectives | Dawnguard DLC Code + 02667E | DLC2dunKolbjornMiscQST |
Kolskeggr Mine | 0001FD72 | FreeformKolskeggrA |
Kyne's Sacred Trials | 00018601 | dunHunterQST |
Labyrinthian | 00091F1A | dunLabyrinthian |
Laid to Rest | 00025F3E | MS14 |
Liberation / Reunification of Skyrim [Stormcloaks / Imperial] | 00029940 | CWObj |
Lifting the Shroud | 000D9B63 | FreeformIvarstead01 |
Lights Out! | 00023A64 | MS07 |
Lisbet's Missing Shipment | 000753A1 | FreeformMarkarthE |
Lod's Lot | 00093753 | FreeformFalkreathQuest01 |
Lost Knowledge | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01B65F | DLC2TTR1 |
Lost Legacy | Dawnguard DLC Code + 019B4A | DLC2SV01 |
Lost Relic | Dragonborn DLC Code + 015017 | DLC1RH08 |
Lost to the Ages | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005817 | DLC1LD |
Loud and Clear | 0002154E | TG02 |
Making Friends and Influencing People | 00087E24 | FavorJarlsMakeFriends |
March of the Dead | Dawnguard DLC Code + 018B13 | DLC2RR01 |
Meet the Family | 00084ABD | TG02B |
Message to Whiterun | 000D661C | CW03 |
Mine or Yours | 000E49E7 | FreeformShorsStone01 |
Mine Ore | 000A800A | FavorJobsMineOre |
Missing In Action | 0001CF26 | MS09 |
Mourning Never Comes | 0001EA52 | DB03 |
New Allegiances | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00A29C | DLC1RV07 |
Nimhe, the Poisoned One | 00053804 | FreeformMarkarthO |
No News is Good News | 000E8BD7 | SolitudeFreeform01 |
No One Escapes Cidhna Mine | 00040A5E | MS02 |
No Stone Unturned | 0009DD77 | TGCrown |
Old Friends | Dawnguard DLC Code + 0195A1 | DLC2TT2 |
Onmund's Request | 0006BC33 | MGRAppOnmund01 |
Out of Balance | 000266F2 | MGR02 |
Paarthurnax | 0003FA16 | MQPaarthurnax |
Paid in Full | Dawnguard DLC Code + 02AD26 | DLC2TGQuest |
Pain in the Necklace | Dawnguard DLC Code + 024FA8 | DLC2RRFavor05 |
Pantea's Flute | 000D9431 | BardsCollegeFlute |
Parent quest for Radiant Content | Dragonborn DLC Code + 004C1C | DLC1Radiant |
Payment Delivery | 00064958 | FreeformStonehillsA |
Pieces of the Past | 000240B8 | DA07 |
Pilgrimage | 00043E1A | FreeformRiften13 |
Power of the Blood | Dragonborn DLC Code + 01909F | DLC1VampireTutorial |
Preemptive Strike | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005E58 | DLC1RH03 |
Promises to Keep | 0001DA3C | MS03 |
Prophet | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0098CB | DLC1VQ03Hunter |
Prophet | Dragonborn DLC Code + 004C3D | DLC1VQ03Vampire |
Protecting the Bloodline | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0056FD | DLC1RV04 |
Proving Honor | 0006E803 | C01 |
Purity | 000E3163 | CR13 |
Purity of Revenge | 0006E805 | C05 |
Rare Gifts | 000CA439 | Favor110 |
Rebuilding the Blades | 000E38C9 | FreeformSkyhavenTempleA |
Recipe for Disaster | 0001EA57 | DB08 |
Recipe for Distraction | Dawnguard DLC Code + 024DDE | DLC2RRFavor01 |
Rejoining the College | 000C9A0E | MGRejoinQuest |
Reluctant Steward | Dawnguard DLC Code + 017E8D | DLC2TT1 |
Repairing the Phial | 0002499C | MS12b |
Reparations | 000B03A2 | TGBan |
Repentance | 0003FA89 | dunDarklightQST |
Rescue | Dragonborn DLC Code + 007201 | DLC1RH06 |
Rescue from AttackPoint | 00035A23 | CWMission04 |
Rescue Mission | 00025251 | CR08 |
Restocking Soul Gems | 00028A19 | MGR11 |
Restoration Ritual Spell | 000CD987 | MGRitual04 |
Retaking Thirsk | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01A50B | DLC2MH01 |
Retrieval | 0009D700 | CR11 |
Return to Grace | 000C7D42 | SolitudeFreeform03 |
Revealing the Unseen | 0001F256 | mg06 |
Ringmaker | 0005B3A5 | FreeformRiften18 |
Rings of Blood Magic | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00CE06 | DLC1RV08 |
Rise in the East | 0001DBFC | MS10 |
Rising at Dawn | 0005C625 | VC01 |
Rjorn's Drum | 000D944F | BardsCollegeDrum |
Rogatus's Letter | 000931BF | FreeformSalviusFarmA |
Rogue Wizard | 0005A609 | MGRRogue |
Salty Sea-Dogs | 00094152 | FreeformShipsDawnstar |
Sanctuary | 00022F47 | DB02a |
Sanuarach Mine | 000622E8 | FreeformKarthwastenA |
Scare my Enemy | 00039792 | WIAssault02 |
Scoundrel's Folly | 00021550 | TG04 |
Scroll Scouting | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0181BF | DLC1VQElderHandler |
Sealing the Deal | 00053318 | FreeformRiften06 |
Search and Seizure | 00064798 | FreeformMarkarthM |
Season Unending | 0002BF9C | MQ102A |
Season Unending | 0002610A | MQ102B |
Season Unending | 00045923 | MQ302 |
Seeking Disclosure | Dragonborn DLC Code + 005DA9 | DLC1VQElder |
Served Cold | Dawnguard DLC Code + 018B14 | DLC2RR02 |
Shalidor's Insights | 000E0E04 | MGR21 |
Shiv | 000DB851 | FreeformCidhnaMineA |
Siege on the Dragon Cult | 00035354 | dunForelhostQST |
Silenced Tongues | 0008ADFA | dunVolunruudQST |
Silver Lining | 000799DF | TGTQ01 |
Skaal Village Dialogue | Dawnguard DLC Code + 02C8AA | DLC2SkaalVillageFreeform1 |
Skilled Apprenticeship | 0006099C | FreeformMarkarthL |
Smooth Jazbay | 000E3308 | FreeformSarethiFarm |
Soljund's Sinkhole | 0006136B | FreeformSoljundsSinkholeA |
Some Light Theft | 0003F46A | Favor018 |
Soul Cairn Horse Quest | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0163CD | DLC01SoulCairnHorseQuest2 |
Sovngarde | 00046EF1 | MQ304 |
Speaking With Silence | 00021551 | TG05 |
Special Delivery [Bolli] | 000557E9 | FreeformRiften15 |
Special Delivery [Sylgja] | 000E49E8 | FreeformShorsStone02 |
Spread the Love | 00053309 | FreeformRiften05 |
Stabilized | 000C1E07 | FreeformRiften22 |
Stealing Plans | 0009D6FC | CR10 |
Stoking the Flames | 0005331D | FreeformRiften10 |
Striking the Heart | 00025252 | CR09 |
Summerset Shadows | 000799E2 | TGTQ04 |
Supply and Demand | 00053305 | FreeformRiften01 |
Take Up Arms | 0004B2D9 | C00 |
Taking Care of Business | 0001F326 | TG01 |
Telrav's Request | 0001BAEC | dunNilheimQST |
Telvanni Research | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01B65D | DLC2TTR3a |
Tending the Flames | 00053511 | MS05 |
Tending the Flames | 0006C0EA | MS05KingOlafsFestival |
Thane of Eastmarch | 000A2CA6 | Favor254 |
Thane of Falkreath | 000A34DE | Favor258 |
Thane of Haafingar | 000A2C9B | Favor252 |
Thane of Hjaalmarch | 000A34CE | Favor255 |
Thane of the Pale | 000A34D4 | Favor256 |
Thane of the Reach | 000A2C86 | Favor250 |
Thane of Whiterun | 000A2C9E | Favor253 |
Thane of Winterhold | 000A34D7 | Favor257 |
That Was Always There | 0003F4EC | Favor019 |
The Affairs of Hagravens | 00039B3B | dunBlindCliffQST |
The Battle for Fort | 00087C21 | CWFortSiegeCapital |
The Battle for Fort | 00083042 | CWFortSiegeFort |
The Battle of Fort Sungard | 0005222D | CWfortSungardQST |
The Bedlam Job | 00060990 | TGRNT |
The Black Star | 00028AD6 | DA01 |
The Blessings of Nature | 0001C48E | T03 |
The Bloodstone Chalice | Dragonborn DLC Code + 00594C | DLC1VampireBaseIntro |
The Bonds of Matrimony | 00074793 | RelationshipMarriage |
The Book of Love | 000211D5 | t02 |
The Break of Dawn | 0004E4E1 | DA09 |
The Burglary Job | 0002893B | TGRBE |
The Chief of Thirsk Hall | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01A50C | DLC2MH02 |
The Cure for Madness | 0001EA56 | DB07 |
The Cursed Tribe | 0003B681 | DA06 |
The Dainty Sload | 000799E0 | TGTQ02 |
The Dark Brotherhood Forever | 0001EA5A | DBrecurring |
The Ebony Warrior | Dawnguard DLC Code + 02C49E | DLC2EbonyWarriorQuest |
The Eye of Magnus | 0001F258 | MG08 |
The Fallen | 00044C56 | MQ301 |
The Fate of the Skaal | Dawnguard DLC Code + 017F90 | DLC2MQ03 |
The Final Descent | Dawnguard DLC Code + 018B15 | DLC2RR03 |
The Final Descent Priest | Dawnguard DLC Code + 03332A | DLC2RR03Priest |
The Fishing Job | 00028922 | TGRGF |
The Forgemaster's Fingers | 00076335 | FavorOrcsIntro |
The Forsworn Conspiracy | 00018B4B | MS01 |
The Gardener of Men | Dawnguard DLC Code + 0179DE | DLC2MQ05 |
The Ghost of Old Hroldan | 0006819A | FreeformOldHroldanB |
The Gift | Dragonborn DLC Code + 0058CA | DLC1RV06 |
The Golden Claw | 00039645 | MS13 |
The Heart of Dibella | 00023B6C | T01 |
The Heist Job | 0002893E | TGRSL |
The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller | 000713DC | MQ105Ustengrav |
The House of Horrors | 00022F08 | DA10 |
The Hunt | Dragonborn DLC Code + 004C1B | DLC1RV01 |
The Jagged Crown | 0002D75C | CW02A |
The Jagged Crown | 0002610B | CW02B |
The Kagrumez Gauntlet | Dawnguard DLC Code + 03166D | DLC2KagrumezQST |
The Litany of Larceny | 0004C6C2 | TGLarceny |
The Lost Expedition | 000C3709 | dunNchuandZelQst |
The Lover's Requital | 00053306 | FreeformRiften02 |
The Man Who Cried Wolf | 00093807 | MS06Start |
The Mind of Madness | 0002AC68 | DA15 |
The Numbers Job | 0006098E | TGRFO |
The Only Cure | 0008998D | DA13 |
The Pale Lady | 000CF915 | dunFrostmereCryptQST |
The Path of Knowledge | Dawnguard DLC Code + 016E1F | DLC2MQ04 |
The Pursuit | 00021553 | TG07 |
The Raid | 00085D40 | FreeformRiften20 |
The Shill Job | 00015D24 | TGRDU |
The Silence Has Been Broken | 0002AD16 | DB04a |
The Silver Hand | 0001CEF4 | C03 |
The Spiced Wine | 000D69FB | SolitudeFreeform06 |
The Staff of Magnus | 0001F257 | MG07 |
The Straw that Broke | 000D9B64 | FreeformIvarstead02 |
The Sweep Job | 00028936 | TGRHC |
The Taste of Death | 0002C358 | DA11 |
The Temple of Miraak | Dawnguard DLC Code + 017F8F | DLC2MQ02 |
The Throat of the World | 0002D515 | MQ204 |
The Way of the Voice | 000242BA | MQ105 |
The Whispering Door | 0004A37B | DA08 |
The White Phial | 0002C258 | MS12 |
The Wolf Queen Awakened | 00026C4D | MS06 |
The Words of Power | 000E76DE | FreeformHighHrothgarA |
The World-Eater's Eyrie | 00046EF0 | MQ303 |
Thirsk Rumors | Dawnguard DLC Code + 02BAB0 | DLC2MHMisc |
To Kill an Empire | 0001EA58 | DB09 |
Tolfdir the Absent-Minded | 000266F1 | MGR01 |
Totems of Hircine | 000E3145 | CR12 |
Touching the Sky | Dragonborn DLC Code + 002853 | DLC1VQ07 |
Toying With The Dead | 0009F179 | FreeformRiften21 |
Trinity Restored | 00057F99 | TG08A |
Trius' Trinket | 00043BAB | dunShipwreck04QST |
Trouble in Skyrim | 0002522F | CR05 |
Truth Ore Consequences | 0005B2DE | FreeformRiften17 |
Unbound | 0003372B | MQ101 |
Under New Management | 000D7D69 | TGLeadership |
Under Saarthal | 0001F252 | MG02 |
Under the Table | 00053307 | FreeformRiften03 |
Unearthed | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01810B | DLC2dunKolbjornQST |
Unfathomable Depths | 000209CA | MS04 |
Unseen Visions | Dragonborn DLC Code + 002852 | DLC1VQ06 |
Vald's Debt | 000C04BA | FreeformValdDebt |
Waking Nightmare | 000242AF | DA16 |
Where You Hang Your Enemy's Head... | 00087BA2 | DarkBrotherhoodSanctuaryRepair |
Whispers in the Dark | 0001EA53 | DB04 |
Wind and Sand | Dawnguard DLC Code + 01D8D1 | DLC2TTR3b |
With Friends Like These... | 0001EA51 | DB02 |
Yngol's Barrow | 000434A3 | dunYngolBarrowQST |
Hearthfire DLC Code + 0008A8 | BYOHHouseBanditAttack2 | |
Hearthfire DLC Code + 00305D | BYOHHouseBuilding | |
Hearthfire DLC Code + 00305E | BYOHHouseFalkreath | |
Hearthfire DLC Code + 00BE09 | BYOHHouseHjaalmarch | |
Hearthfire DLC Code + 010BEE | BYOHHousePale | |
Hearthfire DLC Code + 004291 | BYOHRelationshipAdoptable | |
000A3EBC | C00VilkasTrainingQuest | |
000D1B89 | CompanionsMiscObjective | |
00109AAA | CompanionsRadiantMiscObjective | |
00064F6C | CWMiscObj | |
001052F3 | CWPostWhiterunObj | |
00092E25 | DA01Intro | |
000D7939 | DA03Start | |
00094D89 | DA07intro | |
000DC9E0 | DA08RumorPointer | |
000DC53C | DA10MiscObjective | |
000BEDEC | Da13Intro | |
0003FA17 | DA14Start | |
000D7897 | DA15Rumor | |
00076B4A | DarkwaterCrossingDerkeethusRescueQuest | |
000BC8B6 | DB01MiscObjective | |
000BC8B7 | DB01Objective | |
0002E655 | DBOlavaReadingMiscObjective | |
0002E656 | DBOlavaReadingTreasureObjective | |
00097256 | DBRecurringControlQuest | |
00097255 | DBRecurringIntroMisc | |
00037A2D | DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective1 | |
00037A51 | DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective2 | |
00037A53 | DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective3 | |
00037AE3 | DBTortureTreasureMiscObjective4 | |
000750BA | DialogueFollower | |
Dragonborn DLC Code + 00B639 | DLC1LD_Misc | |
Dragonborn DLC Code + 00697C | DLC1Surgery | |
Dragonborn DLC Code + 00D90E | DLC1VQ00 | |
Dawnguard DLC Code + 035E2F | DLC2dunFrostmoonQSTMisc | |
Dawnguard DLC Code + 03661B | DLC2dunHaknirTreasureQSTMisc | |
Dawnguard DLC Code + 031787 | DLC2SkaalVillageFreeform2 | |
Dawnguard DLC Code + 027E15 | DLC2SV02AncarionMerchant | |
Dawnguard DLC Code + 01E169 | DLC2SV02Misc | |
0007EDE5 | dunAngarvundeQST | |
0003D721 | dunAnsilvundQST | |
000354CC | dunBleakFallsBarrowQST | |
00048121 | dunFrostflowAbyssQST | |
0002AA57 | dunFrostmereToggleQST | |
00030B36 | dunMistwatchQST | |
000376EE | dunMossMotherQST | |
0003763C | dunRagnvaldQST | |
000C1ACC | dunRebelsCairnQST | |
000E1A9D | dunSleepingTreeCampQST | |
0003A74A | dunSouthfringeQST | |
000555DD | FreeformDragonBridge01 | |
000934F9 | FreeformWhiterunQuest01 | |
0009380B | FreeformWhiterunQuest02 | |
000946FD | FreeformWhiterunQuest03 | |
00094E3C | FreeformWhiterunQuest04 | |
00094E3F | FreeformWhiterunQuest05 | |
000A7B33 | HousePurchase | |
0010D9F4 | JailQuest | |
0004CECE | MQ201Malborn | |
000A7921 | MQ201RecoverGearMISC | |
00046EF3 | MQ306 | |
000D1958 | MS01MiscObjectives | |
000D789C | MS05Rumor | |
00042868 | MS05Start | |
000D789A | MS06Rumor | |
000AA9A9 | MS07Rumor | |
0010D3BB | MS10MiscObjPointer | |
000B6031 | MS13Intro | |
00021382 | RelationshipMarriageFIN | |
0004EC52 | RoriksteadFreeform | |
000D45F4 | T01DegaineFavor | |
000C5940 | T01Intro | |
0006A3D5 | T03Intro | |
0010557C | TutorialAlchemy | |
00105385 | TutorialBlacksmithing | |
00105A60 | TutorialEnchanting |
- The Thieves' Guild is a clan stationed in the sewers of Riften. As the name suggests, they specialize in lockpicking, pickpocketing, and overall thievery.
- That's why we've listed the Skyrim item codes below for all the weapons and armor in Skyrim (and yep, it works for Skyrim Special Edition as well). If you're interested in spawning NPCs, check out.
Quests are a huge part of Skyrim, there are hundreds of them - big, small, complex and easy! There are lots of console commands that allow you to start, complete and reset quests - this article will take you through how to use them. If you'd like to jump to a particular part, you can use the quick links below:
This guide uses console commands, to use these you'll need to know how to open and use the Skyrim console. Common hotkeys to open the console are: ` or ~. View our console help article for more information regarding opening and using the console.
How to Complete a Quest with Cheats
Completing quests with cheats is quite easy. You'll need to know two things: the command you want to use, and the ID of the quest you want to complete. We'll be using the ID of the Rjorn's Drum quest (BardsCollegeDrum) in our examples, but you can find IDs on our quest ID list if you'd like to complete a different quest. The command to use is the CompleteQuest command, its syntax is as follows:

CompleteQuest [Quest ID]
All you need to do to is factor in the ID of the quest you want to complete. As said above, you can find all IDs for quests on our quest ID list. So, to complete the Rjorn's Drum quest you'd use this command:
CompleteQuest BardsCollegeDrum
How to Complete All Quests with Cheats
The command to complete all quests at once is:
As said above, this could cause glitches - it's much better to complete quests you need to complete individually.
How to Reset (Restart) Quests with Cheats
If you want to re-complete a quest, or have encountered a bugged quest, there is a console command you can use to restart a quest (return to the first stage). The console command is:
ResetQuest [Quest ID]
You can find quest IDs to use with the reset quest command here. Let's say we wanted to complete Rjorn's Drum, which has a quest ID of BardsCollegeDrum, this command would do that:

ResetQuest BardsCollegeDrum
How to Jump to a Quest Stage
Skyrim Complete Quest Command
If you'd like to jump to a specific stage in a quest, you will need to first know two things about it:
- The quest ID - you can find the quest ID of a quest on our quest codes list.
- The ID of the stage you want to jump to - you can find quest stages with the ShowQuestStages [Quest ID] command. Replace [Quest ID] in the ShowQuestStages command with the ID of the quest you want to find stages for.
After finding out the quest ID and stage you want to jump to, all you have to do is factor those into this command:
SetStage [Quest ID] [Stage ID]
The Proving Honor has a quest ID of C01, and the stage at which you much 'Retrieve the Fragment' has an ID of 30. If you wanted to move to that stage in the Proving Honor quest, you'd use this console command:
SetStage C01 30
Radiant Quests
That's all there is to cheating quests in Skyrim. You can find more quest-related commands by visiting our commands list and searching with the word 'quest'. Tweet us @ConsoleCMDs if you have any questions or suggestions.