- Star Wars Armada Heavy Turbolaser Turrets
- Turbolasers Star Destroyer
- Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Blaster
- Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Droid
Their main batteries are three large dual turbolaser turrets per side, with a single barrel ion turret at the rear, and they posses a fairly tall tractor beam targeting array on the bridge tower, with diagonal struts running across it. The armament of a single Venator-class Star Destroyer consists of eight DBY-827 heavy dual turbolaser turrets, two medium dual turbolaser cannons, fifty-two point-defense dual laser cannons or turbolasers, and four heavy proton torpedo tubes. The Venator-class's eight heavy dual turbolaser turrets are its main weapons and has two tracking modes.
Consular-class War Cruiser
Years later, the Republic's Consular-class diplomatic cruisers would be modified for use in the Clone Wars. This earlier variation, commonly known as the 'Consular-class War Cruiser,' pre-dates the Clone Wars era model by a hundred years, appearing most notably in the Stark Hyperspace War. Also unlike the later model, the additional weaponry and strengthened shielding on the Consular-class War Cruiser are improvised, after-market modifications from an era of budget cuts for the Judicial Forces. While there was no 'standard' model of these refurbished Consular-class cruisers, the statistics below represent the most common modifications to the ship:
Length: 119 meters
Max. Acceleration: 2,040 G
Max. Speed (atmosphere): 900 kph
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2.0
■ 5 Dual Light Turbolaser Turrets
■ 1 Dual Blaster Cannon (forward-facing)

■ Detachable salon pod (often converted into a weapons and ammunition cache to be dropped onto battlefields)
■ 2 escape pods
Crew: 15
■ 1 Captain
■ 1 Pilot
■ 2 Co-Pilots
■ 1 Navigator
■ 1 Communications Officer
■ 3 Technicians
■ 5 Gunners
■ 1 Weapons Specialist
Passengers: 16
Consumables: 4 months
■ ■ ■
Republic Light Assault Cruiser
A heavily-modified version of the Consular-class cruiser, the Republic Light Assault Cruiser was a warship in its own right. These modifications were made solely at the Corellian Engineering Corporation's shipyard at Eriadu at the urging of militarists in Eriadu's government. A common sight in the Seswenna Sector branch of the Judicial Forces (and later, in Ranulph Tarkin's ill-fated 'Outland Regions Security Force'), the Republic Light Assault Cruiser came to see use elsewhere in the Judicial Forces and by the Jedi Order.
Length: 122 meters
Max. Acceleration: 2,500 G
Max. Speed (atmosphere): 990 kph
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
■ 2 Dual Medium Turbolaser Turrets
■ 1 Heavy Turbolaser (forward-facing)
■ 1 Dual Blaster Cannon (forward-facing)
■ 10 Point-Defense Laser Cannons
■ 'Battle Pods' w/ 2 Quad Laser Cannons (some models)
■ Escape Pods
■ 10 Evac Pods
Crew: 22
Passengers: 12
Consumables: 4 months
■ ■ ■
Sundered Veil-class Corvette
Although it is named after one of the great battles of Republic Navy history, the Sundered Veil-class Corvette was, in fact, conceived by Rendili StarDrive as the ideal ship for the post-Ruusan era of 'smaller ships for smaller conflicts.' The principles of the Ruusan Reformations are evident in its design: a lightly-armed ship even by the standards of its day (often out-classed by Planetary Defense Forces), the Sundered Veil-class corvette was good for 'making an appearance' in would-be trouble spots in the galaxy, but not much else. In fact, the inadequacies of the Sundered Veil-class were pointed to by supporters of the much larger and more heavily-armed Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser, introduced only ten years later.
The Sundered Veil-class Corvette quickly fell out of use and is one of comparatively few Old Republic ships to not survive to the Imperial era.
Length: 290 meters
Max. Acceleration: 3,100 G
Max. Speed (atmosphere): ~1,000 kph
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2

■ 14 Dual Medium Turbolaser Turrets
■ 2 Dual Concussion Missile Launchers (w/ 12 missiles each)
■ 1 military-grade tractor beam array
■ 12 starfighters (usually Cloakshapes or A-6 Interceptors)
■ 2 gunships (originally Caulbon-class Gunships, later BT-7 Thunderclaps and PB-950 Patrol Boats)
Star Wars Armada Heavy Turbolaser Turrets

Passengers: 60
Consumables: 8 months
■ ■ ■
Caulbon-class Gunship
The Sundered Veil contract with Rendili StarDrive also included the Caulbon-class Gunship. More accurately an armored fast-transport, the Caulbon-class was a shuttle-sized transport favored by diplomats and Jedi Knights for its speed and durability. Built for the role that was eventually filled, much later, by the Skipray Blastboat, this lightly-armed ship, though useful as a troop transport, never quite found a home in the Judicial Forces in an era when ground battles were few and far between. Good for navigating through swarms of droid starfighters, the Caulbon-class was later used successfully by Nebula Front terrorists and is still occasionally seen as a civilian transport on the Outer Rim.
Turbolasers Star Destroyer
Length: 8.5 metersMax. Speed (atmosphere): 1,300 kph
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
■ 2 Dual Laser Cannons (retractable)
■ 1 Dual Light Turbolaser Turret (180º firing arc to port to deter pursuing ships)
■ 1 military-grade tractor beam array
Complement: None

Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Blaster
: 3■ 1 Pilot
■ 1 Co-Pilot
■ 1 Gunner
Passengers: 6
Consumables: 3 weeks
Star Wars Turbolaser Turret Droid
Admiral Grey SpenserCommandant of the Judicial Forces